AL-IN (for All Institutional Invertors)

Asset management information for institutional investors

AL-IN is a top Japanese magazine specializing in asset management for institutional investors in Japan, such as pension funds, financial institutions, public-interest corporations, etc. Since 2006, AL-IN has always provided Japanese investment professionals with timely topics from objective and unique point of view. It covers traditional assets such as equities and bonds, as well as alternative assets such as hedge funds, private equities, real estate, etc.
AL-IN also has strived to send out information on how to survive investment-environmentally hard times through seminars, on web and other media.

Frequency Quarterly issue (March, June, September, and December)
Format Modified A4 (vertical 280mm × horizontal 210mm) Side-stitched
Circulation Approximately 6,500 copies
Target Pension Funds, Major Listed Companies, Financial Corporations, and more

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